Prizes, Jobs & Fellowships


Referent*in der Verwaltungsleitung



Freie Universitäte Berlin, Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie – Verwaltung

Find the full job description and how to apply here:
E13 Ref VL; FRIST 15.09.24

Application deadline is September 15, 2024. 

Postdoc position in molecular and cellular neurobiology and advanced microscopy at Dandrite (Aarhus University, Denmark).

Find the full job description here:

Application deadline is September 6, 2024. 

Interested candidates can e-mail diretly to Chao Sun, Group Leader & associate professor (

How metabolism shapes drug tolerance (in C. alibcans). ERC funded postdoc position available, to study how metabolism shapes drug tolerance at the Charité (Ralser Lab):

We study the problem in C. albicans, and have sequenced and characterized a huge collection of yeast isolates for this purpose. Our favorite technology remains mass spectrometry based proteomics, and thosw who know us, might know we do like systematic/systems level approaches. 

Full job description to be find here:

Prizes & Awards


The fellowships are intended for residencies of 3-5 months during the academic year 2024/25, from September 2024 to July 2025, and allow early career researchers in the life/natural sciences and medicine an opportunity to take a break from the lab and clinic.

Candidates are completely free to choose a project that they will pursue at the Wissenschaftskolleg. Applicants need to have obtained their doctorate by the start of their fellowship, as well as at least one lead-author publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Successful candidates usually have two or more years of postdoc experience. There are no restrictions regarding discipline of origin in the life/natural sciences, nationality, or age etc.

Candidates are asked to apply by November 1, 2023

with a project outline (about 1000 words), a letter stating your motivation for wishing to obtain a fellowship (about 500 words), your complete curriculum vitae, and a list of your publications here:

All benefits and information:

Contact IMPRS-IDI Office
+49 30 2084 60 140